along with this , the entrance of the wings ' side was changed to the entrance hall newly constructed between the wings , and the underground passage connecting with the original museum building was also changed to newly constructed ' lower level passageway ,' which has become a free zone equipped with a museum shop , cafe lounge , toilets , brief exhibition panels and exhibitions such as , structure of buddha statues and commentary of mudras , etc . これに伴い新館側の入口が両新館の間に新設されたエントランスホールに変更され、本館を結ぶ地下道も新たに作られた「地下回廊」に変更され、ミュージアムショップや軽食ラウンジ、トイレや簡単な展示パネル、仏像の構造や印相の解説の展示などを備えた無料ゾーンとなっている。